Page 35
We are introduced to some new characters! Who might they be? This question might be answered when they are less occupied…
We are introduced to some new characters! Who might they be? This question might be answered when they are less occupied…
Well it really looks like things are not going too well for best girl, really hope I’m wrong and she stay for the long run, and by that I mean a hope she doesn’t die too soon like the other cop lady, and not other things that might happen to her…. Those other things well…. I’m very interested in those other things 😈😜
Future will tell!
Glad you like the character!
Btw, I’ve felt that pentagram scar looked familiar so I did some digging, and now I know why, You clever man, I got the reference, and the lore intensifies 😬😬😬
Thanks her keeping Tia and company misadventures alive for all these years, and cheers for many more, can’t wait to see what the future will tell
Didn’t Tia’s Path Home establish that the demons can’t do anything to you unless they own your soul? Is Ramirez already damned like Tia and Aricia are?
Good question! The main reason the demons wanted Eilhine is because she has the power to change the rules that bind them. As alluded to in the game’s true ending and confirmed in page 43 of the comic, the demons nurtured by proxy, and then took advantage of, a repressed fetish for breeding in Eilhine so that she would be compelled to redefine the rules so that demons could impregnate humans. But she did more than just make impregnation possible, she made it so demons in this realm could breed with any human without restriction, regardless of immunity. She basically used her powers to make her breeding fetish a reality for anyone that wanders in this hell pocket: as she says herself in page 37, from her point of view, those who come there “come to breed”.
In retrospect, I could have made it so the immunity rule was still in effect. It would have made it so demons would still have had to hunt damned individuals, and trick people into selling their souls or making deals, to breed them, but I went with the most straightforward option.
Ah, okay. I was under the assumption that it was only the “new breed” that didn’t have to follow the old rules. I didn’t realize Elihine was that powerful.
You are half right. Demons still have to follow the rules, it’s just that Eilhine changed the rules, but that only applies to their hell pocket. Furthermore, Eilhine only changed the rules that touch her fetish: breeding. Despite being all-powerful, this power works on desire and instinct, she does not directly control it.
As for the half-breed, their particularity is that they possess a human soul (since their mothers were humans), and that is why they can leave hell freely. It is effectively a loophole, rather than a change in the rules or the ability to ignore them.